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National Debt Reaches Record Levels: October Market Update

You’ve likely heard about the national debt all over the news and social media recently. For one, the United States has been approaching the debt limit for a few months and recently has come close to reaching it. We’re digging into the details with this month’s no-nonsense market update.

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September Market Preview: Exploring our Demand-Driven Economy

Our economy is driven by demand. Demand is driven by people, and people make markets. This is a core belief in how we build, manage, and monitor our portfolios. So, as we look forward to September and the rest of this year, we’re exploring some essential mindsets that can be beneficial to keep in mind, recent market events, and how to react to them.

Investing Insights
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Labor Day 2021: 5 Ways First-responders Can Improve Work-Life Balance

With Labor Day approaching, it’s time to start saying our goodbyes to summer. More than just an extra day off of work, it’s important to remember what Labor Day is really meant to celebrate. While we recognize the hard work first-responders invest, today we’ll explore five ways that you can improve your work-life balance, because there is more in life to enjoy than just our careers.

Insights First Responder
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